With more than 58,000 employees in 140 countries, ADP is today serving 190,000 clients, representing 38,000,000 employees. Having chosen to establish itself in Tunisia 15 years ago, ADP Tunisia is the only ADP office in North Africa.
The choice of Tunisia is not surprising: geographical proximity with most of the European capitals, the time zone in Tunisia is GMT+1 with an average time difference of one hour compared to European countries, great cultural and linguistic similarity, very high level of education with diplomas often comparable to those that can be delivered internationally, a very efficient educational system and a sense of customer relationship developed.

Photo: ADP Tunisia
Our adventure in Tunisia really started in 2007 with 16 associates whose mission was to handle some parts of the payroll process for our customers based in France and Italy. Over the years, we have developed autonomy and recognized expertise in Payroll, expertise that has allowed us to expand our activities as well as the nature of the tasks handled from our site in Tunis.
As such, between 2009 and 2021, we have experienced a period of grand expansion of our activities and scope of expertise. Since 2018, we have entered an even more sustained growth cycle. Indeed, for the last three years, we have experienced a growth of +30% (in staff, activities, operations), which suggests even more terrific development prospects for ADP Tunisia.

Photo: ADP Tunisia
Many reasons explain the strong growth of ADP in Tunisia. The mastery of languages is essential regarding processing the payroll of international Clients. Within our organization our associates speak at least two languages, if not three. Then, our “Talent Pool” in Tunisia is very encouraging: ayoung, dynamic, and new technology-oriented population.
Beyond the undeniable assets that Tunisia has, we have specially built within ADP Tunisia a singular and unique organization: a human company, united and above all led by strong values on whichwe identify a lot. Moreover, we have developed a sense of team‐work which is very important aswell as a culture based on per‐formance and Service Excellence.
Our field of intervention within ADP Tunisia covers the following three domains:
BPO (Business Process Outsourcing): With trades that revolvearound the processing of payrolland the management of payroll data in the broad sense.
ITO (Information Technology Outsourcing): With jobs that are oriented more towards the configuration of our HRIS solutions as Consultant and support functions.
R&D (Research and Development) – Development and testing of our products and solutions.
Besides the transverse functions, we provide support to the local structure as Finance, HR, Training, Internal Helpline, Facilities.
Today, ADP Tunisia employs more than 950 associates.

You can read the full article in the Outsourcing Destination Guide Tunisia, which is available for free download at www.outsourcing-destinations.org

About the Author: Sonia graduated from a Business School in Tunis and is upper graduated in Finance and Business administration. Sonia started her career in the finance field. Thereafter, she worked in various financial institutions to finally change the world of private sector. Sonia joined ADP Tunisia in 2012 in the finance department and was quickly promoted to the role of Director of Administration and Finance (DAF). In 2018 she has been promoted to General Manager Tunisia. For 3 years, she has initiated a major transformation to support both the growth and operational excellence of the structure. In July 2021, and in addition to ADP Tunisia, Sonia has taken an expanded role adding the ADP Romania center to her organization. This nomination aims to reinforce the synergy between the two centers by creating a single governance, attracting high talents on the region and accelerating the experience and expertise sharing within the main shared service locations of the EMEA region.